- Performance: 0,25 – 160kW
- Protection Type: IP20
- Tension: 1~110-120V / 1/3~200-240V / 3~380-480V
- Mount control terminal module: 5-8x DI / 2-3 x DO / 2xMFR / 2xAIN , 1X AOUT
- Interphase encoder: TTL RS422 / SIN/COS / SSI / BISS / Hiperface / EnDat 2.1 / CANopen
- Sizes: 11
- Characteristics
- Position: Integrated positioning mode and synchronized run
- The rectifier of the external brake can control the brake of the engine through the digital entrance or the multinfunctional relay of NORDAC PRO
- High quality regulation through vector regulation of the power supply.
- PLC function for functions related to the actioning, for example, the control of the actioning state to repair process data.
- Energy Saving Mode when partially charged.
- Tools for handling and parametrization, as well as structure of easy parameters.
- Integrated network filter to comply with the CEM regulation.
- Control and regulation in closed loop
- STO and SS1: Integrate Functional Safety
- Elevation mechanism functionSuitable for functioning of open loop and CFC closed loop.
- Offers an actioning in 4 quadrants
- Communication Interphases
- Field bus protocols
- AS Interface
- CANopen
- DeviceNet
- InterBus
- Profibus DP
- Ethernet based bus system
- EtherCAT
- Ethernet/IP
- Powerlink